Os pongo este texto de una entrevista a Wolle Nyvelt en la revista Onboard. En ella cuenta su peor experiencia en backcountry y como sobrevivio a una avalancha...
"Si no recuerdo mal, ocurrio en Febrero del 2002. Steve Gruber y yo estabamos filmando en Arlberg desde hacia dos semanas y las condiciones eran realmente buenas. Decidimos ir a la parte trasera de Zillateral y continuar filmando en Mayrhofen. Era un dia precioso y seguro. Habiamos tenido buen tiempo las ultimas dos semanas- la nieve estaba estable y habia tenido tiempo suficiente para posarse. Hicimos una linea en Wängl, se lo digimos al camara para una segunda ronda. Tom Day filmaba desde una montaña de enfrete, mientras Roli, Steve y yo subiamos juntos. Cuando llegamos a la cima, fuimos a nuestros puntos de salida. Rili venia conmigo y Steve espero mas arriba. El problema con mi drop era el viento que habia depositado mucha nieve alli.
La rampa era realmente grande, sobre unos 20 o 30 metros, dividida en una parte mas estrecha a la izquierda y una mas ancha a la derecha. El viento soplaba sobre esta bifurcacion mientras yo encontre un lugar seguro, una roca. Por el walkie talkie avise a la gente de que caminiaria hasta la parte baja del ventisquero hasta llegar a ese punto seguro para comenzar mi linea. Cuando llegue a la roca tuve una mejor vision de la linea- parecia fantastica, con nieve perfecta y muchas posibilidades. Miraba hacia delante para disfrutarla! Listo en 30 segundo dije a traves del walkie talkie. Estaba pensando en mi primer giro. A 5 metros de la roca, me abroche la fijacion y di el aviso de 10 segundos. Di tres o cuatro pasos hacia atras para tener mas algo mas de velocidad en el primer giro. Estaba mas que motivado!!!Ya era muy tarde. Solo tenia un pie en mi fijacion cuando oi aquel extraño sonido y la nieve se empezo a deslizar por debajo mia. Mire hacia atras y vi como ser rompia todo. Intente ir a un sitio seguro en mi canto de talones pero falle 1.5 metros antes de la roca. Entonces todo fue muy rapido- todo blanco, callendo por los drops e intentando permanecer a flote en la nieve pero la boca se me llenaba de nieve y me tenia que ayudar con los dedos para sacarla. Cuando la avalancha empezo a ir mas despacio, intente recuperar el equilibrio para poder deslizarme. Todo seguia completamente blanco y no podia ver nada. Yo pensaba: "Quizas eres un tio con suerte" pero la nieve que venia por detras pasaba sobre mi y me enterro aproximadamente un metro bajo la superficie.
De repente todo estaba negro. Intente mover mis dedos pero no podia. Te das cuenta inmediatamente de que cualquier esfuerzo cuesta demasiado oxigeno. Mi walkie talkie aun funcionaba y podia oir a Tom Day indicar a Steve y Roli por donde me habia visto por ultima vez y como podian descender sin causar mas avalanchas. Volvia a tener esperanza. Intente permanecer calmado y permanecer en una pequeña habitacion negra dentro de mi cabeza mientras respiraba. No era realmente consciente del tiempo pero empezaba a perder la consciencia cuando note una sonda en mi antebrazo. Un segundo despues Steve me saco del hoyo. El helicoptero llego y al otro lado de la montaña pudimos ver al rescate de montaña. Yo estba bien y a excepcion de mi gorro y mis gafas no habia perdido nada mas. Le dije a Steve que avisara a los chicos del rescate de montaña de que necesitaba algo de tiempo de para mi mismo y que me necesitaba beber un te caliente. Probablemente no queria hablar con ellos porque sabia que habia cometido errores y habia despreciado el peligro. Estaba muy agradecido de que Steve, Tom y Roli no cometiesen ningun error, especialmente Steve que estuvo genial: permanecio calmado, me localizo rapidamente y me saco.
Dos dias despues volvi a lo alto de la montaña para mirar la zona y la avalancha. El ventisquero era mucho mas profundo de lo que yo pense que era. Habia subestimado al viento. Aprendi muchisimo en esos dias. Mis amigos y nuestro equipamiento salvaron mi vida. Thänx Steve, Tom and Roli!! Eöh..."
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008
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Owing to Groupon's market place spot presently currently being mainly composed of feminine customers, the bargains are normally focused on the general wellness, overall health and splendor marketplaces.
There are probably troubles with the organization solution. For case in point, a powerful deal could briefly swamp a modest firm with way as well a good deal of clients, risking a probability that shoppers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be enough answer to meet the require. Gap, a huge clothing retailer, was able to just take care of 445,000 price cut discount codes in a countrywide deal (even with the reality that it expert server troubles at a single phase), but a smaller sized firm could change into abruptly flooded with customers. A single espresso retailer in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in consumers for a number of months, when it offered near to one particular,000 Groupons on the one working day it was presented, in accordance to one report. In reaction to equivalent problems, Groupon officials condition that 'deal' subscriptions want to be capped in advance to a smart variety.
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The agency gives a single [url=http://muachungdeal.com/thoi-trang.html]muachung hai phong[/url] for every working day in every single of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon capabilities as an assurance arrangement utilizing ThePoint's system: if a specific variety of people signal up for the supply, then the supply becomes supplied to all if the predetermined bare bare minimum is not reached, no a one receives the offer that functioning working day. This lowers risk for retailers, who can deal with the price reduction discount coupons as sum price reduction prices as successfully as cash flow advertising equipment. Groupon aids make money by retaining around fifty percent the funds the consumer pays for the coupon.
For occasion, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be obtained by the client for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer presents a massage valued at $eighty and will get roughly $twenty from Groupon for it (below a fifty%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 value of house painting organizations is acquired by the consumer for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the business gets $20 five and Groupon retains $twenty 5. The buyer receives the therapeutic massage, or the home portray help, in these examples, from the retailer for which they at first compensated $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are particular businesses to which Groupon at first did not offer you you its firms, which contains capturing ranges and strip golf equipment nonetheless, having photos ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.
Not like labeled selling, the service provider does not pay out any upfront cost to participate: Groupon collects personalized knowledge from well prepared shoppers and then contacts only those customers, largely by every day e mail, who may potentially potentially be fascinated in a distinct remedy or companies.
Groupon employs a big sum of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers showcased by e-mail and on the web web site. Groupon's advertising and marketing textual material for the 'deals' has been witnessed as a contributing factor to the acceptance of the site, that contains a exclusive combine of comprehensive easy truth-examining and witty humor.
Owing to Groupon's market currently being mostly composed of female buyers, the offers are regularly focused on the health, physical health and magnificence markets.
There are very likely troubles with the company design. For instance, a lucrative offer could quickly swamp a modest organization with way way too many customers, jeopardizing a likelihood that clients will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be sufficient item to fulfill the need to have. Hole, a substantial clothes retailer, was completely ready to deal with 445,000 discount codes in a nationwide offer (even with the simple fact that it experienced server troubles at a single stage), but a scaled-down enterprise could flip out to be abruptly flooded with clients. one espresso keep in Portland, Oregon struggled with an improve in clients for 3 months, when it acquired near to 1,000 Groupons on the one working day it was supplied, according to a one report. In response to related problems, Groupon officers state that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in progress to a affordable amount.
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